Methyl Amyl Ketone - Finishers Depot
Methyl Amyl Ketone - Finishers Depot


Methyl Amyl Ketone

Finishers Depot

Sale price$41.12


Stock/SKU number Description Size Price Quantity

This is a great solvent for lacquer finishes. Works well as a leveling and flow additive. Use liberally or increased performance. Caution: Has a strong odor!


This product requires hazardous material packaging and additional hazmat surcharges to ship this material. Here is an explanation of the hazmat surcharges. Any additional questions please contact us contact us

1 Gallon $41.12

This is a great solvent for lacquer finishes. Works well as a leveling and flow additive. Use liberally or increased performance. Caution: Has a strong odor!


This product requires hazardous material packaging and additional hazmat surcharges to ship this material. Here is an explanation of the hazmat surcharges. Any additional questions please contact us contact us

5 Gallon $164.10

This is a great solvent for lacquer finishes. Works well as a leveling and flow additive. Use liberally or increased performance. Caution: Has a strong odor!


This product requires hazardous material packaging and additional hazmat surcharges to ship this material. Here is an explanation of the hazmat surcharges. Any additional questions please contact us contact us