Complete our form to register
Why become a professional member?
Learn about our latest specials, deals, and discounts. As a member, you’ll stay informed about how to find cost savings for your orders.
Sharpen your skills by signing up for an on-site workshop or requesting custom training. Take advantage of classes taught by our experts.
Quickly re-order products you regularly use. All your orders are saved under your account so that you can choose your favorite products and get back to work.
We are constantly growing our selection of wood finishing products. You’ll hear about it first when we expand our product line.
FAQs About Registering
We ask that you complete our dedicated form for professional wood finishers to validate your qualifications for professional membership. Please complete the form linked here.
We have a minimum requirement that professional wood finishers spend at least $1,500 in finishing supplies on a monthly basis to qualify for our professional membership program.
No. There is no added fee or cost associated with membership.
Please allow 3 business days for us to complete our review of your application to approve you for the membership program. We will then notify you that we have completed the approval process, and you can begin using your membership.
Not at this time. However, you will have the opportunity to be added to our mailing list to receive the latest information about special deals, offers, and discounts for your regular finishing product purchases.